Eclipse Season in Session
The month of June will be a busy, information-packed, intense period. Your mind will buzz. From the New Moon Solar Eclipse on June 10th to the clash of Saturn and Uranus on June 14th, until Mercury turns direct on June 22nd, expect it to be a super mercurial time. You may feel up and down, hot and cold. The solid footing and clear next steps we are accustomed to are no longer available. This is a call for agility, adaptability, and innovation. In order to weather this see-saw time, channel your inner journalist: be curious, ask questions, and truly listen to find your next step and keep your footing. When overstimulated, take steps to ground through meditation, yoga, and being in nature. By taking advantage of the chance to learn new aspects about yourself and others, you’ll emerge from this time wiser, clearer about your direction, and ready to take action when it’s time.
June 10th
Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse
Action Items:
Channel your inner journalist, ask questions, and listening deeply
Set an intention for the month based on the change you want to see in the world
Ground through meditation, yoga, spending time in nature, unplug from news and electronics
Its intention-setting time again. As with all new moons, your 30-day check-in time to pause, connect with your higher self and/or something greater, and then, set an intention for how you want to be at home, at work, and in the world.
This Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse on June 10th at 3:52 am PT is focused on new beginnings. Something is ready to be born. The eclipse heightens the call to go within, to trust your intuition, faith, and spiritual guides. It also clears the way for an unexpected breakthrough or surprising next step. Similar to how rebooting the computer clears away the spinning wheel, the reconnection to the sun’s light can clear away our own stuckness and illuminate a new way forward. This moon is calling for us to listen, to be open and curious in order to see something or someone in a new light. The evolutionary ideal for Gemini is to shift perceptions. Its ultimate celebration is to say “wow, I’ve never thought of it like that”. To work with this energy, try on your inner investigative reporter. Honor questions over answers or opinions. Truly and sincerely listen to the responses. Don’t worry about changing someone else’s mind, focus on changing your own.
Gemini is speedy, buzzy, and agile. If it goes too far it can be frantic, frenetic, chaotic. If you begin to feel overwhelmed, exhausted, fried, or catch yourself ruminating, it's time to ground down. Try being in or near water, unplug from the news and electronics for a few hours at a time.
Look to the area of your chart where 19° Gemini resides. This will indicate the area of life that is ready for a new start, a new way of being and perceiving. For example, if the eclipse falls in your 2nd House of resources and security, it may be time to look at how you view security, how you manage your resources, and/or generate income. Set an intention to truly see your circumstances honestly and if necessary, make the required changes to feel more secure.
The subject that is up for you right now will not be a surprise. It's likely something you’ve been ruminating on for the past year... starting in May of 2020. This Solar Eclipse offers surprise solutions and ways out of your mental juggernaut. The seed that is planted now during this eclipse will emerge in the weeks and months to come as you stay open, curious, and grounded.
Breakdown to Breakthrough
June 14th and December 23rd, 2021
Action items:
Write down your values. List what matters to you personally and professionally.
Are these values truly a fit with who you are today?
Are you living in alignment with your true values - at home and at work?
What area of your life is due for a revolutionary breakthrough?
We’ve been feeling this revolutionary energy all year and should expect it to continue through 2022. Saturn and Uranus square off for the 2nd of 3 times this year on June 14th. In short, where this is activated in your chart is where you are called to be more authentic. Question the rules, values, and guides you are living and working by to ensure you are personally and professionally aligned.
Keep an inquisitive eye out for where your M.O. may have been dictated by your family, culture, or social programming. At work look for areas where you find yourself taking the “we’ve always done it this way” or “don’t fix what isn’t broken” approach. The old ways aren’t going to work in this new era. Take a note from the Gemini New Moon, become The Journalist, be curious about all you do, think, and believe. Expect shifts, breakthroughs, and awakenings… this is where innovation is born.
You Need a Vision
Now - July 29th, 2021
Your most important action items to create the life you want:
Put your head in the clouds and dream up your biggest dream yet
Put your pen to paper and capture this ideal life based on what you want
Remind yourself that without a vision to aspire toward, you risk creating a life you don't want
Jupiter's time in Pisces creates a little bit of sweetness and expansion during these otherwise shaky, disruptive, uncertain times. So dust off your dreams, bring them out into the open, it's time to make them real. Jupiter wants you to Go For It and trust the Universe will catch you. This is the time to define your BHAG (big-hairy-audacious-goal).
Jupiter asks “How have you been underestimating yourself. Where in your life do you need a victory? Where can life be even better than you ever imagined it could be?” Where Jupiter is in your chart signifies the area of life (career, home, relationships, etc) that is ready to expand exponentially.
Something in you is ready for the next incremental step to claim the life you want.
Let's do this together.
We will take the revolutionary action of writing down what you truly dream of and desire from life. Based on your natal chart, I'll identify the area that is currently ready for expansion. You’ll leave with your own personal north star to guide and inspire you as you bring your vision to reality.
Book a Soul Desire Consult to see where all of this and more is playing out in your chart.