Jumping Jack Flash! It's July!
The dynamic tensions at work in 2021– restriction vs. rebellion and authority vs. independence–feel especially strong this month. The fireworks and cries for independence will be heard out and about in the world and don’t be surprised if they appear in your personal life and at work, too.
Surprises and disruptions are popping up everywhere. Those who feel they've been shut out will push back, loudly, fighting to participate. Uncertainty prevails and heightens anxieties.
As the planets show us the challenges we will be facing during this period, they also offer up remedies for navigating the influx of change and point us to opportunities for growth. The two big resources for hope this month are:
Jupiter in Pisces: The ongoing and soon-ending partnering of Jupiter in Pisces is calling us to dream up the future and co-create it with our higher selves and the universe.
Cancer New Moon: The sweetness of the Cancer Season points us to practicing self-care and burnout-proofing our lives.
1: The Time to Envision Your Best Future is NOW
Key Dates: Jupiter in Pisces: All month, ending July 28th with two peak days on July 11th and 12th.
This is our last month of 2021 with the magical combination of Jupiter in Pisces. Together, these planets generate the energy to help us see beyond the tedium of today and allow us to envision our best future. This combo comes around only once every 12 years, so let's make the most of it. (Jupiter will return to Pisces for the first half of 2022, so we get a little more of it then. But after May of 2022, it will be 2033 before this kind of magical thinking energy is with us again.)
This is basically the universe inviting us to co-create our futures through imagination and intention setting. Vision setting is the most crucial, and often-skipped step, to having the life you desire. This is not fluff. This is essential, foundational, required.
Your imagination is everything.
It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. – Albert Einstein
I urge you to take advantage of this moment in time and tap into the dream-big energy that is here for the next 3 weeks.
Action Items:
Daydream of your future: Continue the work we started in May, and let yourself dream. Carve out time for daydreaming, imagining, visualizing. Find your favorite activity to tap into your deeper self: painting, swimming, candle gazing, gardening, walking, fishing…do what gets you into that pie-in-the-sky dreamy mode.
Capture your vision: Put pen to paper and journal about what you desire. Describe in words the future you are imagining for yourself, your family, your team/company, and the planet. Write as if it has already happened. Use these prompts to get going: - where are you, who is with you, what are you doing, how do you feel?
Be specific: Make the vision inspirational and specific so you know when you’ve hit the mark
To make the visioning even more effective, look at where Jupiter is passing through your chart. This signifies the area of life that is ready to expand exponentially. Jupiter asks questions like: “How have you been underestimating yourself? Which parts of life can be even better than you ever imagined?” Something in you is ready for the next incremental step to claim the life you want.
Jupiter in Pisces tells us the way to this Jupiterian expansion, growth and hope is the Piscean way — through dreaming, imagining, and visioning. It all starts from the imagination. Every great invention, solution, creation, or work of art started in someone’s imagination. What are you dreaming of?
To make these dreams real, honor them by bringing them out into the light, and writing them down. Something magical happens when a dream is written down. It provides both inspiration and direction. A reminder and a guiding light to keep you moving toward your soul’s desires.
Creating a personal AND professional vision statement is a profound commitment to yourself and to your dreams. It’s the perfect time to acknowledge that what you long for matters.
Don’t be shy, dream big.
And Write!
As wise woman Marianne Williamson says “You don’t serve the world by playing small”
2: Shore Up Against Burn-out
Key Dates:
Cancer Season from June 20 to July 21.
Cancer New Moon: July 9th at 6:16 pm PT
Action Items:
Set an intention to make self-care a priority: Do you need more “me-time”? Pull up your calendar and block time for breaks and play. The pace will quicken, so carve out days for resting and recharging now.
Burn-out proof your life at home and work with a well-being practice suited to your self-care style: How do you rest and recharge? Get curious about your specific needs for nurturing and re-centering. Be your own Great Mother, and make sure you have routines in place to keep you from burning out.
The Cancer new moon on July 9th is a great time to set your intentions for self-care and shoring up your routines to ensure you don’t hit burnout. The archetype of the Great Mother represents the sign Cancer and with it, the themes of nurturing, listening, and caring are strong this month.
We are called first to care for ourselves. And then, when we have gas in the tank, we can extend this love and nurture to our family, company, community, and the planet. In our fast-paced, constantly changing, newly forming landscapes, you have to create a burnout-proof plan. This starts with making your own well-being a priority. You must find the mix that is right for you. For some, it’s meditation, yoga, long walks in nature, eating healthy food, and quiet time alone. It may also be time with loved ones, a spiritual group, or skydiving, or motorcycle racing. It’s a personal choice. To find your special medley, make time throughout your day to ask yourself “what do I need right now?”. Really listen to the answer. The key is to get quiet enough to hear your inner voice. Then, nurture yourself as the Great Mother would do.
Let's Do It Together.
Let's face it. For most of us it's hard and a little boring to create the big, lofty vision of your future alone. On one hand, you don’t want to look greedy by dreaming up your most amazing future. On the other hand, articulating it scares you because then you might actually have to try to go for it. The good news is, we don’t have to do this alone! I’ll join you and coach you to get this all-important visioning done. We’ll get still together, listen to your soul, review what the stars point you to, and then capture your dreams on paper together. We’ll even plot out a timeline so you know the proper pace to pursue your paradise.
Join me for a Visioning Intensive. (3-Session Bundle)
Typically, the components of this Visioning Intensive make up the first phase of the full Soul Desire Coaching Program. I’m breaking it out and offering it separately now to align with Jupiter and help you jumpstart your next act.
In the Visioning Intensive, we will work 1-on-1, using executive coaching, visualization, and, of course, the wisdom of the stars to clarify your vision and define the first steps to making it real. You will leave with a multi-page, written vision statement and next steps, along with mental clarity and inspiration to move forward.
I will coach you personally through the following 5 steps:
Kickoff with Soul Desire Astrology Consult to reveal your Soul’s life lessons, gifts, and purpose
Discover what area of your life (career, romance, home, etc) Jupiter is calling for you to “bet big on yourself”
Tap into your own inner knowing to capture your deepest dreams and desires for your life
Take action and craft your own vision statement encompassing your truest desire for your personal and professional life.
Leave with an inspiring 1- to 2-page Visioning Statement to guide you in the direction of your Soul’s Desire and initial next steps.
The program includes 3 one-on-one coaching sessions, your full astrological analysis, and a check-in session in 3 months.
Enroll in your first session here. We will schedule the remaining sessions together.
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