It's intense.
Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
Ready for some erratic, wild card, shake-it-up kind of energy? Whether or not you're ready, here comes the eclipse, right on time!
The highest intention of an eclipse is to jump us forward in our individual and collective evolutions. It offers lessons and insights to deepen our wisdom.
It’s oh so Astro-logical in how it all unfolds.
Topics up right now are those that have been buried in our subconscious - individually and collectively. Secrets will be revealed. Thoughts, memories, and feelings long-forgotten now surface, especially those tied to emotional, physical, financial security. The time has come to deal with this stuff.
This is happening now because we are ready for it and
we've come to a point in our humanitarian development
where it is an evolutionary necessity.
Taurus and Scorpio standoff vying for integration.
With all full moons, two archetypes stand opposite one another to shed light where there has been darkness and to find a way to work together. To integrate. To collaborate.
Scorpio invites us to face our fears, to be radically honest with ourselves and others, in order to let go of old patterns and evolve. It’s ready and willing to go psychologically deep. Scorpio is Soul Deep.
Taurus focuses on the emotional body and on our needs for security, touch, nature, and ease. Its aim is to calm down.
Taurus is Soul Soothing.
Where were you on November 19, 2002?
Eclipses run in 19-year cycles. Think back to November 19, 2002 - what was going on then, was there a big change or challenge? Those same concerns, lessons, experiences are likely to resurface now to allow you to take them to the next level of your soul’s evolutional work.
No need to panic or worry. There is an Astro-logical remedy.
The Astro-logical Remedy:
This will impact everyone differently depending upon where the eclipse lands in your chart. It also depends upon where you naturally fall on the Taurus/Scorpio spectrum. Typically we favor one side over the other.
I like to think of it as a seesaw or scale that seeks balance. Soul Deep Scorpio on one side and Soul Soother Taurus on the other. You know yourself. Which of these do you gravitate towards? Which do you avoid? Which side needs your attention to level out? And the answer may be, they both need your focus right now.
Deep-digging-Scorpio types (you need not BE a Scorpio to have this preference), allow extra time in nature before and after the psychological probing. Take a bath, eat a nice meal, wrap yourself in cashmere.
Keep-it-simple, comfort-loving Taurus-types, take a break between the nap and the massage to spend time looking at what you're afraid of and sitting with uncomfortable truths about yourself, your family, your organization, etc. What are your needs for safety and security? Have they caused you to stall out? Are you paying too much for your money?
Let’s Work Together
For more information on how this cosmic activity is showing up in your life, Book a Soul Desire Session (natal chart reading).
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