Saturn’s got faith. Do you?
Saturn kicks off a new 30-year cycle when it slides into the dreamy waters of Pisces on March 7th, 2023. It was last here between May 1993 and April 1996 - what did you commit to create then?
For the next three years, while Saturn resides in Pisces, you are invited to step up, grow up, and commit with discipline and integrity to your creative gifts, passion projects, and/or spiritual development. The time is now to bring your creative visions and passion projects into 3-D form.
The Pisces area of your chart is starting a new three-year cycle, where The Generalissimo (Saturn) has arrived and is demanding serious, focused, eye-on-the-prize discipline.
There’s no need to be frightened. Saturn is not bad, it’s just hard. It's the planet that “gives us the ability to do what we don’t feel like doing.” Like going to the dentist, or vacuuming, or studying for a test. The stuff you’re likely to put off until it MUST be done.
In its own way, Saturn is teaching you faith. Saturn asks you to prove you believe in yourself through a display of effort, commitment, and self-discipline.
When the going gets tough, do you still have faith in yourself - in your dreams and goals?
Do you give up or do you dig in?
If you apply consistent, disciplined pragmatic effort toward your dream project or creative endeavor—you’ll be in a whole new place by February 2026, when Saturn leaves its residency in Pisces.
You’ll likely be tired but also proud of your accomplishments. Which beats the dark side of Saturn, being depressed and bitter pondering what might have been if you hadn’t squandered Saturn’s gift.
The Saturn Return: No Time to Waste
Saturn comes around to the sign of Pisces, every 29.5 years and stays in the sign for approximately three years. When Saturn returns to the sign it was in when you were born, this marks a key milestone in life known as the SATURN RETURN. This happens for everyone around the ages of 30, 60, and 90. I’ll focus on just the first and second returns here.
The First Saturn Return
If you were born between May 1993 and April 1996, you are entering your First Saturn Return. This marks the beginning of the middle years - THE SECOND ACT OF LIFE. The period of time that is important for building, and establishing the life you want. A lot of effort is put into the outside world during this phase.
So here you are, you’ve passed the test and have made it to the gates of adulthood. Welcome! So what kind of adult do you wish to be? Saturn says, you are what you commit to and the time to do so is now. What shall that be: A career, a person, a child, a property, a vision, a cause, an idea, …?
It's time to commit to the person you want to be, the person you were born to be.
The Second Saturn Return
If you were born between March 1964 and March 1967, you are entering your Second Saturn return. This is the time of life often referred to as the THIRD ACT OF LIFE.
It's a time when the focus begins to shift inward. Wrapping up the career, homebuilding, nesting, child-rearing, and all the outward-focused work you did in the long middle phase. In these next three decades, you get to truly focus on what you want to do and create. Employ the fine art of Enlightened Selfishness to follow your heart and do just what pleases you. Will it be to launch a new career or business, summit mountains, or sit in deep devotion? Whatever you choose, make sure it’s worthy of you and is rooted in what you desire, not what you think you should do.
When Saturn comes around a second time, the key message it delivers is “what are you waiting for?”
Whatever you want to do in this lifetime, the time to commit to it is NOW.
To know the details of how this is impacting you and your Soul’s Purpose, Schedule a Soul’s Purpose Reading.
Or book a Cosmic Quickie - An insightful, 20-minute recorded video reading, informing you of what Saturn in Pisces means for you for this upcoming 3-year period plus an overview of your Soul's Purpose. It's short but profound.