Happy New Year!
2023 is gonna be another transitional year as we continue to make our way into the 200-Year Air Epoch which officially began back on December 20, 2020. It takes a few years to fully embrace and live a new epoch -- especially one that invites us to live in true collaboration and equality.
The old structures, systems, and ways of being must be taken down to the studs so the rebuilding can begin. And yes, we’ve already witnessed a lot of breakdowns, restrictions, chaos, revolutions, and revelations over the past few decades -- not to mention the peak of it all in the unprecedented happenings of 2020. I hear ya, it's already been a lot. And yet the planets are signaling we've still got more to do.
Expect a few more bumps, awakenings, and revelations as the
breaking down continues to make way for the new.
The first shoots of new growth will appear in March. First Saturn saunters into the deep waters of Pisces. And then, Pluto begins its transition into Aquarius. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was from 1777 to 1798. We are invited to pick up on the themes of individual freedom, democracy, and equality that Pluto was working on back then and take them into their next stage of development.
✨ 2023 Key Themes and Contemplations ✨
Below are the key themes and planetary placements for 2023 with journaling prompts to guide self-discovery for life and career direction.
December 20th, 2022 through May 16th, 2023
It's time to make a courageous new beginning - to expand, grow, initiate, and activate.
What are you ready to courageously start?
How have you been underestimating yourself?
March 7, 2023 to May 24, 2025
Commit, in a pragmatic disciplined way to bring your ideas, dreams, and visions to life.
What dream will you commit to bringing into reality?
May 2018 to July 2025
Awakenings, Revolutions, and Shakeups abound to bring you to your truth.
Continue to clarify your values and commit to living in authentic alignment with those values.
Keep putting your values first - be willing to make changes to ensure you are living aligned with those values.
November 26, 2008 to March 23, 2023*
* Pluto will bounce between Capricorn and Aquarius 4 times before it finally settles in Aquarius in November 2024 and remains there until March 2043.
Root out and confront the internal narratives that keep you from playing big.
What are the old stories about your capabilities that need releasing standing in the way of living in your true personal power?
Whether it's imposter syndrome or not being good enough, it's time to transmute the myth.
March 23, 2023 to June 11, 2023*
Use self-scrutiny to face the hard truths that stand in the way of you living a fuller more vital existence.
Where do you need to break free from social and familial programming in order to live a fully individuated and radiant life?
Keep in mind: mileage may vary.
Planetary positions and sign changes affect each person differently. The impact depends upon where they land and how they interact with your unique natal chart.
Your natal chart is your lesson plan for this lifetime. It spells out your individual purpose, mission, and challenges your Soul is here to master. When the current planetary placements and movements hit a sensitive place in your natal chart, it activates the lessons your Soul has signed up for in your lifetime.
Schedule a session and I will let you know which of these themes are most relevant to you and guide you to make the most of the timing.