Get ready for a Reboot!
Aries New Moon Total Solar Eclipse: Wednesday 9:19 pm PT
Solar eclipses mark major turning points both in your life and in the world; they serve as catalysts for breaking out of old patterns and launching you forward on your path. You won’t see the actual eclipse here in the U.S. but you are sure to feel it and see its effects if you know what to look for.
An eclipse is a lot like a computer reboot - the light of the sun goes away temporarily and when it returns the slate has been wiped clean and you start again.
With one big difference, the eclipse also brings with it a heavy dose of Wild Card, surprise, and uncertain energy to the reboot scenario. When the light returns, you're likely to find yourself in a totally new space - catapulted forward on your path. You’ll look back and remember this was the week that everything changed.
Eclipses shake things up and offer a pattern interrupt. This disruption may make you feel wonky, wobbly, out of sorts for a few days before and after. Hang tight. This will pass soon enough.
💥 Aries Flavor
This is all happening in the sign of Aries. So it's hot, firey, and ready for action. This is the second new moon in a row in the sign of Aries, the first one took place on March 21st, 2023. It’s the same message now as it was then but with a lot more power and drama.
Aries teaches courage - with an edgy twist. At its core, Aries' focus is on survival and the innate right to exist.
It beckons us to access our inner courage and assert our rights, recognizing that a life worth living is one worth fighting for.
This doesn't mean engaging in physical combat, but rather, diving into our hearts, stepping forward, and standing up for what is right, what we deserve, and/or what we desire. A new job, improved health, more meaningful connections - it’s all up for grabs.
🌗 Work With It! 🌗
Set an intention to start something new - a new way of being, a new project, or to stand for something that matters to you. Pioneer! Assert! Commit to changing what needs to be changed.
The intentions you set, the seeds you plant, will come to life over the next two years. Commit to something that truly matters so you will keep driving at it over this time period.
Clues to Guide Your Intention Setting:
1. The 19-year cycle.
Eclipses return to the same place every 19 years. The last time we had an eclipse in this location was April of 2004. Think back, what was going on in your life then? What was important? What was emerging? Some aspect of those themes are up again for you and ready to be taken to the next level of development.
2. Where the eclipse lands in your natal chart.
The topics of the house where the eclipse takes place in your natal chart will provide guidance and insight regarding where you are called to be BRAVE. Scan your inner landscape, journal using prompts for the house where the eclipse happens in your chart, and see what comes up for you.
(If not sure of the house, use an app like Co-star or Astro Gold or book some time with me.)
✨ 1st House: How will you present yourself to the world? Have you been hiding? Take a stand to be seen and heard for who you truly are.
✨ 2nd House: Is there a new or different way to earn a living that is more suited to your soul? How do you prove yourself to yourself?
✨ 3rd House: It’s time to find and share your true voice. What story have you been telling that no longer serves you? Be ready for a shift in perception.
✨ 4th House: Time for new digs? Your physical home and/or your rich inner life need a refresh. Take a courageous step to feel more comfortable in your home, with your family, and in your body.
✨ 5th House: It’s time to S-H-I-N-E 🥰. Step up and be seen for your big, playful heart. BOLDLY share something you’ve created with the world.
✨ 6th House: Feeling stifled at work? Have you signed up for responsibilities that no longer fit who you are today? It’s time to courageously claim more autonomy in your work.
✨ 7th House: It’s time for a relationship assessment. Release those that wear you out. Make more time for people give you more energy and vitality. Have courageously honest conversations in service of your relationships
✨ 8th House: It's time to go deep with your beloved. You’re invited to muster emotional courage - vulnerability as the path to deeper authentic intimacy. Feel the fear and do it anyway.
✨ 9th House: Be brave in your quest for understanding. Question, travel, study. Have civil, courageous conversations - talking AND listening- with those you have differ ideologically.
✨ 10th House: It’s time to take a bold step to align your soul’s purpose and your work in the world. The focus is on your career, what you are known for - make sure it aligns with your deepest truth
✨ 11th House: Be courageous in expanding your network. Build alliances that are soul aligned and headed in the same direction you are.
✨ 12th House: Courageously tap into your intuition and boldly trust it to guide you. Start a creative project or spiritual practice to elevate your life. Say no to what distracts or drains you.
Need support heeding your Courageous Call?
Schedule your free Discovery Call or book a Soul Purpose Session.