Courageous Heartfelt Start.
Welcome to the start of a new astrological year - March 21, the Spring Equinox.
As the Sun charges into Aries and our days grow warmer and longer, we're reminded to trust in nature's inherent wisdom. Just as daffodils and tulips fearlessly burst forth, ushering in a vibrant, hopeful, and beautiful existence, we too are called to embrace life with a courageous heart.
This same day, the Moon joins the Sun, creating a new moon meet-up at 0 degrees Aries. Thereby doubling down on the message, "it's time to tap into your courage, bet big and start a daring new chapter."
Aries teaches courage - with an edgy twist. At its core, Aries' focus is on survival and the innate right to exist. Imagine the fluffy bunnies and downy chicks emerging into spring's lush landscape - sure, they’re adorable and snuggly and nap under rainbows... but realistically to survive they must assert, fight, and demand that their needs are met. That courageous fight is the essence of Aries and what we are invited to embrace this month.
Aries beckons us to access our inner courage and assert our rights, recognizing that a life worth living is one worth fighting for. This doesn't mean engaging in physical combat, but rather, diving into our hearts, stepping forward, and standing up for what is right, deserving, and/or supporting those unable to defend themselves.
Aries Action Items:
Now is the moment for a bold, fresh beginning.
Carve out some time for introspection and ponder:
What do you aspire to create, feel, achieve, and accomplish in the next 12 months?
Which aspect of your life is ripe for a bold, courageous new start?
Spot check: If you're a little scared, that's good; fear is essential for summoning courage.
"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage"
~ Anaïs Nin.
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