More Will Be Revealed. 

For the first half of November, the intensity builds, picking up on the momentum of October, dialing it up, and adding a curve ball.  Expect surprises. Revelations abound. 

What was once hidden is now visible. Illuminating what must be released and transformed.  

Fear not, you were born for the challenges that lay ahead; make the most of this moment by first, staying loose. Let this information serve as intel. Know that what is happening is not happening to you but for you. 

Work with the energy to identify what pattern, person, or project needs to be released and


And just when you think you can't take it anymore, the Sun enters jubilant Sagittarius lightening up the energy. 



An eclipse takes the standard intensity, emotionality, and excitement of a full moon and ups the ante exponentially.

During a typical Taurus Full Moon, we’d expect a blanket of stability, ease, and calm to prevail but that’s not what’s in store this year. All eclipses are disruptive—they temporarily interrupt the connection between the earth and the Sun—the Source required for survival. That kind of severance naturally generates feelings of anxiety, instability, and uncertainty. But there is even more going on here.

This November eclipse calls for change and completion by delving into the emotionally deep waters of Scorpio.  While the sun, moon, and earth are aligned, the Taurus-Scorpio axis will be striving to find balance—a way to integrate and serve the highest good of each.  

Make no mistake, Scorpio is leading this dance. Bringing intense truth-seeking energy. Totally overpowering peace-seeking Taurus. Venus, Sun, and Mercury are all on Scorpio's team. As if that's not enough, Uranus, the planet of revolution, progress, and chaos, is saddled up next to the peaceful Taurus moon, changing the tone to an erratic, emotionally charged time with unexpected outcomes. The lack of stability and certainty will be palatable. 


At this powerful eclipse in November, we are invited to delve deep and look raw truths squarely in the eye with courage and compassion. To discern the patterns, behaviors, relationships, or work that are no longer serving your greatest good and let them go.


Make A Change
Be The Change
Ch-ch-ch Change



November 23rd:  Sagittarius New Moon 

Whew! Finally, the energy shifts. We get a breather.

There's an expansive, uplifting energy afoot. The New Sagittarius moon brings feelings of hope and possibility. It will be time for adventure and action. Jupiter, the great ruler of Sagittarius ends its period of retrograde on the same day. That amps up its positive potential.

Look to the house in your chart ruled by Sagittarius and Pisces for clues to areas of life where you may be underestimating yourself. And that's just the place, you are called to BET BIG on yourself and your dreams. GO FOR IT.


  1. Make time on November 8th to meditate, reflect, let go of what’s ready to go, forgive yourself and others, and open yourself to emerging insights,. 

  2. What area of your life needs deep, real honest change now?  Scan your landscape, what’s not working in your life? For clues to what’s ready to go, look to the houses in your chart ruled by Taurus and Scorpio. 

  3. How can you create more peace, ease, and stability in your life and the lives of those around you? Who or what brings you peace and security?  Who or what rocks your boat unnecessarily? 

  4. How are you underestimating yourself?


Hang on to your hat!
