2021 Astrological Grand Finale

The Overview:
The last two weeks of December 2021 are jam-packed with shifts, clashes, and surges. Not to mention a cosmic traffic jam in Capricorn! Get ready for some earnest, honest soul-searching and awakenings. Then, just before the calendar flips to 2022, we have quite the grand finale when Saturn and Uranus square off for the last time, bringing revolution and resistance to the forefront.

Full Moon Gemini - Sagittarius
December 18th, 8:35 pm PST  
Feel the Buzz? Gemini is illuminated now - and totally psyched about it. It's a great time to be out and about connecting with new and old friends. The deeper goal of Gemini is to learn something new, to have its perception shifted, and then to pass that along to another. During the full moon, Gemini opposes Sagittarius, the Truthseeker, Keeper of the Faith. Bring them together in their highest union by questioning, listening deeply, and then discerning what works for you. Take what you like and leave the rest.   

Activate your inner journalist,
question your way to your own Truth

Happy Solstice! Happy Birthday, Capricorn!!
December 21, 2021  

The solstice is one of the earth’s high holidays. In the Northern Hemisphere, it's a time to welcome the return of the light as the days slowly get longer. It also marks the beginning of the Capricorn season. Capricorn represents the part of us that is fascinated with what is difficult. It gives us the discipline to do what must be done whether we feel like it or not. 

Capricorn lesson:  
self-discipline and integrity. 

Capricorn, along with its ruler Saturn, points us to our “great work”, the call our soul has incarnated to bring to life.  And, it gives us the discipline and steady stamina to see it through to completion. 

Your Great and Worthy Work 

The challenge for Capricorn lies in choosing the mountain to climb. The Sea-Goat is a bizarre beast, a mountain goat with a fish's tail. It can swim the widest oceans, climb the tallest peaks. It is capable beyond belief

And therein lies the rub, how to choose the right mountain when you are capable of mastering them all? 

The secret is to choose based on what you long for in your soul. What you feel called to do. If you choose in order to win love, admiration, or cash and prizes, it will never work for the Capricorn part of you. Nor will cutting corners, skipping to the head of the line, or dare I say “cheating”.  Even if you ascend to the top of the heap, you will never enjoy it, never feel worthy of it.  

Cosmic Traffic Jam in Capricorn
December 2021

There is a potent cosmic traffic jam forming in the Capricorn part of the sky.  The Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto are gathered to support you in clarifying your values and finding your Great and Worthy Work. It's time to get radically honest about what you desire and devise your plan to achieve it.  

From December 19, 2021, to January 28, 2022, Venus turns retrograde, and the focus shifts to reviewing, reconsidering, and recommitting to what you love and value. Make time to ponder who and/or what you love. Along with how you are showing up in that relationship (This could be your romantic, familial, or any sort of interpersonal relationships and partnerships or your relationship to your business, career, health). Are you fully committed with Capricorn integrity to what you love and value?

You are what you commit to.

The Revolution Is Now
December 23, 2021 

For the third and final time in 2021, Saturn (Authority, Tradition, Stability) and Uranus (Revolution, Progress, Chaos) battle it out. Revolution and resistance are in the air. Expect more restrictions and even more resistance. Uranus is projected to have the upper hand. 

There is an awakening going on, a consciousness revolution, the old ways of thinking and being are breaking down, giving way to the new. We’re seeing this in all aspects of life; a breakdown to break-through. This revolutionary energy has been with us all year and will continue into the next.

On a personal level, to work with this energy — get curious about the areas of your life that are ready for reinvention. Pay special attention to when you feel stuck, just going through the motions, or straight-up bored to death. That's your clue that it's time to break out of that soul cage and start living your life.

December 28th, 2021

And, just like that, in the nick of time, Jupiter  "the great benefic", the Santa Claus of the Zodiac, slides into the dreamy imaginary waters of Pisces and throws us a life rope.

Jupiter’s goal is to enhance our relationship with faith, optimism, and hope.  It wants us to boldly Go For It and trust that the Universe, something greater than ourselves, will take care of us. 

So basically, here's the deal. The future hasn't happened yet, and we get to create it by first imagining it. We are to imagine the future we want. Visualize it into reality. Thought Creates Form. The mystics have been telling us that for eons and now the scientists confirm it. So there. 

The time is now to create




Celestial Lights Out