Heart-Centered Action

Aries New Moon

We are now fully into Aries season (March 20th to April 20th) - and with it, the start of the new astrological year. 

This is the time to hold your personal and professional strategic visioning, planning, and activation sessions. Do this by yourself, with a trusted friend, or with your personal coach. Don’t overthink it. Just do it.

Aries represents beginnings, as well as the beginner’s mind. It thrives on new starts, adventure, and action. At its deepest level, the evolutionary lesson is to learn courage through facing fears and decisively taking a stand. As the flower pushes open the bud, it’s time to begin.

Like its spirit animal, the Ram, the shadow side of Aries can present as combative, selfish, or angry. It is a bit like a 2-year-old with “me-first, “he started it” or “MINE” motives that can ruin any endeavor.

As a conscious person with freewill, you get to choose how this Aries energy shows up in your life

Knowing this Aries energy is widely available all month gives you the heads up to work with this boost. Use it. Get into action. Do something that scares you: ask for a raise, start your own company, learn something new, tell someone you love them. Get physical - go for a run, climb a mountain, or take a cold water plunge. You are in charge!

April 11th at 7:30 pm PDT marks the first new moon of the astrological new year. This is intention-setting time. Tap into your courageous inner warrior and decide where do you need to be bold? What new thing do you want to create? What are you not saying or doing that you know you need to? Set the intention and live as if it has already happened. Write your goal down and place it where you see it last thing at night and first thing in the morning. Use the Aries energy to visualize your new reality as you doze off and wake up.

Aries Action Items:

  • Hold a decisive strategic visioning and goal-setting session, then ACTIVATE!

  • Answer the questions: Where do you need to be bold? What new thing do you want to create? What do you need to say or do?

  • Notice without reacting when combativeness or selfishness arises within yourself or others. Be the witness.


Big Themes For 2021 and 2022:  Innovation and Change.

One of the ongoing themes for the next two years will be the launching of the 200-year cycle of Air. It officially kicked off at the grand conduction of Jupiter and Saturn on November 21, 2020.  It's an exciting time to be alive. Good news for you, you have a ticket to the show! 

You’re here to see the transition to the new Air Era - as well as the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. It might be a bit dizzying, but with this knowledge, you have the advantage to see it for what it is and not get pulled into the chaos. You can make this energy work for you by mentally readying yourself. You will also be able to help those around you, be it your family or your team at work, adapt to the increased speed of change and innovation that is our new reality. Buckle up and enjoy the ride!

In general, this Air-focused period will feel less stable and less predictable than the previous 200-year Earth-focused cycle. Air is about movement, ideas, innovation, freedom, as well as connection, community, and collaboration. It's speedier and less predictable than the world we were accustomed to.  

We are moving away from a focus on materialism and top-down rulership and shifting toward the ideals of true social, racial, financial, and gender equality. There is an awakening going on, a consciousness revolution, the old ways of thinking and being are breaking down, giving way to the new. We’re seeing this in all aspects of life; a breakdown to break-through. Expect the transition to be bumpy for the first few years as we adjust to the new way of living in an ever-changing, evolving world. 

One way to work with this energy is to become curious about how you are operating in your life.  What area of your life is ready for reinvention? Where are you just going along, half asleep, and bored to death? Where are you called to WAKE UP and live a more radically aligned authentic life? This is the time to free yourself from social and familial programming so that you can live a fully individuated and radiant life. You will be called to take an in-depth look at the values you live and work by: Are these values really yours? Are they rooted in your soul? Or were they handed down from elsewhere?


2021-2022 Action Items

  • Answer the questions: What area of your life is ready for reinvention? Where do you need to be more bold and honest with yourself and those around you? What do you value, really?

  • Anticipate loads of change, disruption, and reinvention to help yourself and other’s adapt to it - (remember, most of us don’t like change)

  • Seize this opportunity as a time to shift to a more purpose-focused life, built on equality, connection, collaboration, and community


Your Personal Roadmap: Timing and Areas of Focus

Your birth chart along with current planetary placements inform of where this is happening in your life. This time is calling you to seek more authenticity and commit to yourself. Your chart will show you whether this is in the area of personal growth, romantic relationships, your community, your home and family, your public image, travel, legacy, etc.  Plus, your chart will help provide you the timing to make the most of these opportunities, giving you an effective roadmap to do your planning, start your project, and go out there to make your purposeful life your reality.

Let’s look at your chart and see what’s going on for you. 

  • Your chart will identify the areas calling for courage, innovation, and change

  • Your chart will set a timeframe for these changes to unfold

  • Schedule your evolutionary astrology consult or a complimentary coaching chat to create an individualized action plan for you.


Sunshine Daydream


New Year! New Moon!